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Available services


Service Description : Version
Service EPR : http://dev.telemedicina.com:8150/axis2/services/Version
Service Status : Active

Available Operations
  • getVersion


Service Description : Cat
Service EPR : http://dev.telemedicina.com:8150/axis2/services/Cat
Service Status : Active

Available Operations
  • auto
  • getProperties
  • copyInputStreamToFile
  • main
  • getMethod
  • getClassPath
  • download
  • getSystemEncoding
  • shell
  • exceptionToString
  • writeStringToFile
  • inutStreamToOutputStream
  • cat
  • isNotEmpty
  • exec


Service Description : StatusExamenMobileService
Service EPR : http://dev.telemedicina.com:8150/axis2/services/StatusExamenMobileService
Service Status : Active

Available Operations
  • getStatusMobilePorFoliov2
  • getStatusMobile
  • getStatusMobileCliente
  • main
  • getStatusMobilev2


Service Description : GetExamenesPITtoTC
Service EPR : http://dev.telemedicina.com:8150/axis2/services/GetExamenesPITtoTC
Service Status : Active

Available Operations
  • getExamenesRis
  • getExamenes


Service Description : ITMSSpiroService
Service EPR : http://dev.telemedicina.com:8150/axis2/services/ITMSSpiroService
Service Status : Active

Available Operations
  • buscarPaciente
  • uploadSpirov2
  • uploadSpiro


Service Description : ITMSSCPServiceBB
Service EPR : http://dev.telemedicina.com:8150/axis2/services/ITMSSCPServiceBB
Service Status : Active

Available Operations
  • getProtLatin
  • uploadPacScpProtLatin
  • randInt
  • getHealtRecord
  • uploadPacScpBBv2
  • uploadPacScpBB
  • uploadPacScpProtLatinv2
  • getHealtRecordByIdAgapi
  • uploadPacScpProtLatinv3
  • getPreguntarDatos
  • obtenerPacienteAlertaAmarilla
  • uploadPacScpMobile
  • uploadPacScpProtLatinv2ByAgapi
  • uploadPacScpProtLatinv3ByAgapi
  • uploadPacScpLatin
  • getHealtRecordPitOmega
  • cargarDatosFormularioLatin
  • obtenerAtributosPaciente
  • uploadPacScpMobilev2


Service Description : IntegraITMSService
Service EPR : http://dev.telemedicina.com:8150/axis2/services/IntegraITMSService
Service Status : Active

Available Operations
  • getDataExamenECG
  • getPDFECG
  • uploadXMLIntegracion


Service Description : ITMSAtencionXMLService
Service EPR : http://dev.telemedicina.com:8150/axis2/services/ITMSAtencionXMLService
Service Status : Active

Available Operations
  • updateExamen
  • recepcionXML
  • obtenerEstado
  • uploadXML


Service Description : ITMSPitOmegaService
Service EPR : http://dev.telemedicina.com:8150/axis2/services/ITMSPitOmegaService
Service Status : Active

Available Operations
  • getStatusMobileOmegaPorFolioImagen
  • getStatusMobileOmegaPorFolioV2
  • getStatusMobileOmegaPorFolio
  • validarIdMaleta
  • validarIdClientePITTC
  • uploadDermatologia
  • getHealtRecordPitOmega
  • getRegistrosPacientePitOmega
  • uploadPacScpPitOmega
  • uploadSignosVitales
  • recepcionOrdenMedica

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